52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks

I am not sure when it began, but I have been researching my family tree for as long as I can remember. From the days of getting in the car and driving to cemeteries and town halls in Maine to sitting at the kitchen table looking at records on the internet, this journey has been fantastic and frustrating all at the same time.

The hunt for clues and the mystery, being on the verge of discovery and a breakthrough only to have it dashed at the last minute, after months of research keep me coming back time and again to find out all I can about my family and where we came from.

Genealogist and blogger Amy Johnson Crow (I wonder if we are related) issued a challenge a few months ago to blog, tweet, write or whatever about 52 of our ancestors over 52 weeks. I heard about this challenge on a recent episode of the podcast Extreme Genes, and although I am coming late to the party, I am jumping in with both feet, and I am hoping I rise to the challenge.

As I understand the mechanics of it all, each week Amy will send an email to the participants, she asks that you register, but I don’t think you have to, with a topic to write about. For example, last week was “Mother’s Day” and this week is “Another Language.” The idea is we write about an ancestor that fits the theme and then tweet or share on other social platforms with the hashtag #52Ancestors.

So, I am taking the challenge and see if I can complete it. Wish me luck.

Hey, why not jump in and write about your family.

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