Apostica Prayers

The Aposticha Prayers for the Vespers on Wednesday Evening of the 3rd Week of Great Lent:

Like the prodigal, I squandered the riches which the Father gave me. Now I am destitute and dwell in the land of the wicked. In my folly, I have become like the senseless beasts, stripped of all the grace of God. But turning back, I cry aloud to you, the compassionate and merciful Father: “I have sinned, O God! Receives me as a penitent and have mercy on me.”

O Holy martyrs, you were living sacrifices, spiritual holocausts, victims pleasing to the Lord, sheep who know their divine Master and are known by Him whose fold is inaccessible to the ravaging wolves. Intercede with the Good Shepherd that we, too, may be nourished with you beside the sill waters.

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