Holy Week Liturgical Line Up

Below is the Schedule of services for Holy Week here at St. Michael’s. If you are in the area pop in and say hi.

Palm Sunday
Matins 9am
Liturgy 10am
Bridegroom Vespers 7pm

Holy Monday
Bridegroom Vespers 7pm

Holy Tuesday
Bridegroom Vespers 7pm

Holy Wednesday
The Mystery of Holy Unction 7pm

Great & Holy Thursday
Vesperal Liturgy of St. Basil the Great 10am
Holy Passion (Reading of the 12 Gospels) 7pm

Great & Holy Friday
Royal Hours 9:30am
Vespers with Taking Down from the Cross 3pm
Lamentations – Matins of Holy Saturday 7pm

Great and Holy Saturday
Vesperal Liturgy of St. Basil the Great 10am
Vigil of Pascha 11:30pm

Great & Holy Pascha
Resurrection Service 12:00am
Holy Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom 12:30am
Vespers of Agape 11:00am

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