Vacation Part II

Well we made it. The trailer I was following had a flat about 2 miles from the exit we were taking but other than that no problems at all. Took us about 5 hours and the place is unbelievable. Right out the front window I can see Lake Ontario what a wonderful thing to see I cannot wait until the sun sets they are supposed to be great. More tomorrow I am bushed and need a nap.


  1. Can you see the other side, or is it like being on the coast, where the water meets the horizon? I always wonder about how big a body of water has to be to not see the other side. I have heard that is the case with Lake Champlaign, and I know Lake Ontario is bigger, so…just curious.

  2. It is kinda weird. the lake is not round so in places you can see the other side. The water is spitting distance from the camper and is at the same level. We had rain last night but right now the sun is shining

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