Books I am Reading

Recently I stumbled across the blog of an 8th grade teacher from Missouri who has a blog called Speaking of History. He uses his blog as part of his classroom teaching and involves many aspects of things. He does an excelent job on his podcasts about different topics of history. This past week he did a podcast or two from Gettysburg and it has renewed my interest in the American Civil War. I have always been sort of a Civil War buff but never reading any books by the men who actual fought in the war. So I turned to two books that I have had on my shelf for mnay years.
From Manassas to Appomattox by General James Longstreet, CSA. A very large book and written mainly to reconstruct the General’s image in the South. If you wish to read more about him you can turn to this article on Wikipedia. One of the most facinating things about this man is that he converted to Catholicism later in life.
Passing of the Armies by Brevet Major-General Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain. His wikipedia article is here. Very well written and the General writes about his experience in the final days of the war. General Chamberlain was awared the Medal of Honor for the exploits at Gettysburg and was also given the honor of commanding the troops during the surrender of Genral Lee’s troops. He was criticized for calling the troops to attention and saluting as General Lee passed by. Things were different then and even though defeated they showed the General the respect that he deserved.
I will try and post more about these books as I work my way through them.

1 Comment

  1. if you ever get the chance go out to gettysburg during the fourth of july weekend ( the battles took place on the 2nd and 3rd of july) they do re enactments and the battle field is some thing to see. In the evening go up to the monument with the eternal flame and sit out on the monument.everything is just so peaceful and the silence is just wonderful.

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