Weekend Wrap Up

This was a busy weekend here in the village. Saturday was spent getting things ready for the Liturgical celebrations of the weekend. Things needed to be cared for in the church and I spent sometime with one of the ladies that cleans the church. It is always nice to chat with people in an informal setting. Saturday night of course brought the Patriots game. I am suffering from a cold so I did not stay up and watch the entire game. I went to be secure in the knowledge that they would win and they did. Now it is on to the next game. Before the game we celebrated Great Vespers. When I first came here we did this service every Saturday and then we stopped when people stopped coming. Now we have decided that we need to start again and pray that people come. One more person this week so we are off to a good start. Unless there is a feast day it is a short service of about 30 minutes. Nice way to end the day and prepare for Liturgy. We end the service with an anointing of the sick and time for confession.

Sunday morning the usual services. Orthros at 9am followed by Liturgy at 10. We had a nice group for Liturgy. The count was 41! Our usual is 35 so this was good. You can listen to my homily here. Before Christmas we began streaming our Liturgies using uStream. Although not many tune in to watch during the live broadcast many watch the recorded version. Not many Orthodox Churches in the US currently stream their Liturgies and I felt that this is something that we could do without much cost to the parish. It took some fancy wiring to get the wireless signal to the church but we did it. The camera is not in the best place it could be so we are working on that. It is a work in progress. There is a link on the blog for the liturgy or you can view Sunday’s recorded Liturgy here.

After Church we have a coffee hour, another thing we began when I arrived here. This is a great time and almost everyone comes down to the hall for coffee and a little snack. It gives me a chance to talk with people and welcome new folks to the church. People hang around for about an hour or so and then go on their way. The rest of the day was spent cleaning up and resting to try and fight off this cold. I made a nice beef stew and enjoyed that before hunkering down for the night. Maybe I will post the secret recipe.

The week ahead is busy. Right now it is snowing out so I am not sure what today will bring. I am supposed to do a house blessing tonight but we left it open due to the weather. I have another blessing tomorrow afternoon, an appointment with one of my directees for spiritual direction and Friday night is movie night here at church. On top of all this the Parish will have its General Assembly on Sunday so things need to be readied for that. So not real busy but busy enough.

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