Orthodox Church in Alaska

I do not like to comment on struggles that go on in other jurisdictions but I cannot remain silent any longer on the situation in Alaska. Surf on over to the ocanews.org site for an update. When the stories first came into the light of day I was giving people the benefit of the doubt to the people in command there but things are not looking good.

It all began with the alleged sexual harassment of Paul Sidebottom and then led to the Chancellor going off for rehab. Then the bishop appoints someone a reader who is a convicted sex offender. Now we are seeing letters from clergy about other abuses at the hand of the bishop. Bishops are supposed to be fathers for their diocese and not a tyrant. This bishop seems to have crossed the line and should be removed for the sake of the church.

All of the Orthodox Church in America should be concerned about this situation. We owe a great debt to the Church in Alaska and such greats as St. Herman and St. Innocent. Let us pray for the Church in Alaska and her people. My prayer is that the Synod of the OCA responds to their calls for help. If this bishop is removed and a new bishop is assigned, he should spend the first year kissing the feet of everyone in the diocese as a sign of humility.

1 Comment

  1. i think hidding their head in the sand is not a good thing look what happened to the catholic church it took them awhile to recover the numbers they lost through ignoring what was going on.i can not tell you how many catholics i know who have either left the church or have decided to remain catholic but not attend church. how sad all because the church turned its back on its problem. anne

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