From the Presanctified Liturgy

In you are all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge, O God of mysteries beyond our sight and speech! You revealed the ministry of this liturgy to us, and then in your immense love for humanity, you called us, though we are sinners, to offer you gifts and sacrifices for our own sins and for the transgression of the people. Your works are without number, O invisible King! They are great and remarkable, escaping all our understanding! Look on us, you unworthy servants, as we stand here before this altar of sacrifice as if before your very cherub-throne! Here rests your only Son, beneath the awesome mysteries that lie here before us. Rescue us and all your faithful people from every impurity and, with a blessing that can never be lost, make us holy both in body and soul. With a clear conscious and enlightened heart, let us share in these divine mysteries. Let them fill us with life, so that we may become one with your Christ, our true God. For it was He who said: Whoever eats my body and drinks my blood shares my life and I share his. Thus, with your living word within us and present in our midst, we shall become the temples of your all-holy and adorable Spirit, safe from all the wiles of the evil one, whether in word or in deed or thought. Then we shall receive all the good things you promised us, together with all your saints who have pleased you from the very beginning.
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