Father Peter Live

Well gang the first show is complete and I can tell you I am glad it is over. Talk about stress! Any of you who have done live radio before will know what I mean. Not only was I the host but I was the engineer as well running the board and all of the commercials. But I had a blast! Thanks to all who called.

We could not get the live stream to work but we are going to try again maybe next week so stay tuned for that. If you are interested, I recorded this weeks show and I will put a link at the end of this post. The show is an hour long so plan for it. Thanks for listening.


  1. Congratulations Fr. P.: Your show was a smashing success. No dead air, interesting and informative. Looking forward to next week. Keep up the great work.

  2. Thanks Laura for your comments, keep listening.

    Rayce, I am working on that. We are going to try and live stream the show from the studio we just need to work out all of the technical stuff.

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