Maggie Downham Accepted as a Mid-Term Missionary Candidate to Albania

St. Augustine, FL—The Orthodox Christian Mission Center announces the acceptance of Maggie Downham, from All Saints Antiochian Orthodox Church in Bloomington, Indiana, as a mid-term Missionary Candidate to Albania. Ms. Downham will be teaching English as a Second Language (ESL) classes at the Protagonist Elementary School in Tirana, Albania, during the spring semester. The school is especially grateful for her willingness to serve, because the shortage of ESL teachers for the spring semester would have reduced the school’s ministry if someone had not been available. In additin to teaching full time, she will also have the opportunity to participate in an afterschool catechism class which will be offered each week, and to assist the missionary team in other ministries.

Ms. Downham has a deep and life-long desire to immerse herself in different cultures for the sake of the Gospel. This desire has led her to participate on several short-term mission trips. On these trips she felt a calling to seek a life of grateful service and love in action for others. Upon returning from Albania, she hopes to further her education in graduate studies at St. Vladimir’s Seminary.

In order to be in Albania by the start of the spring semester (February 5) Maggie needs to raise $6,500. This money will be used for her airfare, a small stipend, insurance and other costs. You may make a donation and participate in this vital ministry at or by sending a check payable to OCMC with “Missionary Downham” written in the memo line. Maggie will also appreciate your daily prayer support as well. To find out more about answering the call for missionary service, contact the Missionary Department of your Mission Center at:

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