Public disapproves of Obama on abortion

A new poll by Gallup finds that of the many actions President Obama took during his first days in office, the least popular is his decision to lift a ban on the use of federal funds for organizations that provide information about abortion overseas. According to Gallup, 58 percent of the public disapproves of the step to revoke the so-called Mexico City Policy, also known as the global gag rule, while 35 percent approve. By contrast, a majority of the public supports most of the other early moves by Obama. From Gallup:

“Obama’s decision to reverse the prohibition on funding for overseas family-planning providers may be the least popular thing he has done so far. This was an executive order that forbade federal government money from going to overseas family-planning groups that provide abortions or offer abortion counseling. Fifty-eight percent of Americans disapprove of Obama’s decision to lift this ban, while only 35% approve of it. The ban on federal funds to these groups was put in place by Ronald Reagan, but lifted by Bill Clinton. George W. Bush re-instituted the ban after taking office in 2001, but Obama has once again lifted it. The abortion and Guantanamo Bay prison decisions are especially unpopular among Republicans; only 8% approve of the former and 11% of the latter. But these are also the least popular decisions among independents and Democrats as well, though a majority of Democrats still approve of both.”

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  1. I’m not sure what his big hurry was to lift this ban but i do know the money could have been better spent on vaccinations and medical supplies for the third world countries.linda

  2. I thought the most unpopular thing President Obama did was appoint Hillary Clinton Sec. of State. But hey, that’s just me.
    I guess I was wrong again (sigh!).

  3. I think it’s disgusting that President Obama is using federal funds for organizations that provide information about abortion overseas. Abortion is murder, and to support it overseas — and in the United States as well — conveys a lack of moral character insofar as President Obama is concerned. When will the United States — and especially its leaders — learn to value the attributes of Christ more than the almighty dollar?

  4. Humankind has been reduced to animals, and look what they’ve done to them, with their culture of death (world wide). It’s bad enough that they will be doing this, pushing their pro-death adjenda, but with taxpayer’s money? This is truly an insult to people who value life. God help us all!

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