The Red Envelope Project

UPDATE: I joined the Red Envelope Group on Facebook and the day to send these envelopes in March 31, 2009. That is the day that we should send the envelopes.

Since traveling to Washington, DC for the March for life I have been looking for concrete ways to be involved in the Respect for Life movement. I believe now more than ever we need to band together and let our government know what we think. I know some people feel that our voices will go unheard but that does not mean we should stop shouting.

So today in my RSS feed came news of the Red Envelope Project. This is quite simple. Get a red envelope, address it to the President with the following message on the back:

This envelope represents one child who died in abortion. It is empty because that life was unable to offer anything to the world. Responsibility begins with conception.

Do not seal the envelope and just mail it to the President. Then of course pray.

For more information go to:

Pass this on to all of your friends and relatives. If you blog, blog about this and pass the word on. If you are from St. Michael’s I will have red envelopes for you all next week


  1. You have my support on this! There are far too many ways to prevent pregnancy, killing a child should not be one of them. I will send my red envelope to the President. Just because I voted for change does not mean I have to agree with him on certain issues…this just so happens to be one of those issues. Thank you for sharing this Father.

  2. Dear Father Peter:

    Thank you for putting this on your blog, and for promoting this in your parish. I shared my idea about the red envelopes three weeks ago and have been amazed by the whole phenomenon. It is also good to see someone else in New England standing up for life.

    Christ Otto

  3. How about making this a “bring a friend also campaign” as I intend to do. Double our power, and power to the people. The best way to lose this argument is to quit.

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