
We just had one of the best Parish Council meetings I can remember since I came here almost 5 years ago. It was progressive and nice and we got many things accomplished.

Evangelism is one of those things that keeps coming up. We have a great product, Orthodoxy, but we do not know how to sell it. I know already some of you are made at me cuz I said product and sell, but the harsh reality is that it the name of the game.

So what do we do to sell the faith? We have it all just no one knows about it so how do we do it? What are other Orthodox, or not Orthodox people doing I need some ideas because I am fresh out. I am asking the readers of this blog to come to my aid here and help me come up with a plan to get butts in the seats.

Come on let’s put our heads together and think.

Thank you in advance. Now back to our regular programming.


  1. Hi Father,

    I am not Orthodox, I am Catholic but I do enjoy this blog. Have you thought about Newsletters? Sending them out throughout the community? You have a great blog and putting this down in a newsletter would be one way to get the word out. Have a meeting for the community…advertise it in the paper…those are just some ideas from me…I would go to a meeting if you had one for the community…

  2. I’m all for out reach and evangalism all you have to say is go and I’m with you but in order to outreach to others you first need to find out what the problems are between the parishioners you already have.if everyone is not on board and this is a closed society, nationality wise,then physician you need to heal your church first before inviting others into possible resentment and discord.Where do all your parishioners want to be in the future and who do they want allowed into their church.No one wants to belong to something and then find out they really not wanted there.linda

  3. One way to promote Orthodox Christianity is by having an Orthodox discussion group — open to people of all religions — meet one night each week at your church. Some of the topics that could be discussed could include Baptism, the Holy Eucharist, Holy Unction, and other Orthodox Sacraments. Also, attendants could initiate a topic on Orthodoxy to be discussed. Possible topics could be the position of the Orthodox Church with respect to marriage and remarriage after divorce; why Orthodox Easter tends to come after Catholic and Protestant Easter; and how the Orthodox Church — perhaps more than any other Church — has continued the Christian tradition since the time of Christ and His Apostles.

  4. Evangelism is VITAL for the church. Good to hear a parish council meeting was worthwhile for a change! I always find lectio divina on the Gospel at the start of such a meeting helpful.

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