A Ha Moment

Ever had one of those A Ha moments? You know when you just stop and say A Ha! Well I had one of those whilst cleaning my kitchen bin not that long ago. There I was scrubbing the bin and it came to me… That’s what that means. No matter how many times you read Scripture there is always something new to learn. We can always learn something and I believe that things are revealed to us as we need them or understand them.

Now I have read this Gospel passage, well I am not sure how many times I have read it. But for the last four Holy Weeks I have read this passage on Monday night during the Bridegroom service. Matthew 21:14-43. More especially vs. 36-40

“Teacher, which commandment in the law is the greatest?” He said to him, “You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and the first commandment. The second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. The whole law and the prophets depend on these two commandments.”

The last part of this is what I would like to focus on. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the faith part. We need to believe and we need to give all we have to God, not just the bits that are left over but the whole of ourselves.

You shall love your neighbor as yourself. This is the works bit. It is not just enough to love your neighbor we need to put that faith in action. We need to be concerned about your neighbor and we need to care for them, feed them, visit them, care for the sick amongst them and provide clothing to them. This is out job we are in fact our brothers keeper! It is not the governments job to do this it is our job to do this.

This is our faith in a nutshell. Everything else depends on this… We are our brothers keeper. Have you checked on your brother lately?


  1. A true Christian loves God more than any family member or friend — even more than himself. We need to keep in mind that everything we have comes from God. We can never thank God enough for all that He has given us. For Jesus to be crucified in order to save mankind is the ultimate sacrifice for which we need to be forever grateful. We also need to love our neighbors, and be of assistance to them whenever we can help them.

  2. its funny how those things happen.here you can read something a hundred times then bam it’s all clear.I guess God does that to us to keep us excited and interested.its like a revolation.
    I guess if you love the Lord with all you mind,heart and soul.it just comes easy to also love your brother/sister because you should see God in them.that devine spark.linda

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