Southbridge Election

Tomorrow is the big day in Southbridge we stand at the open door waiting to walk through. Several seats are open on the Town Council as well as the School Committee. An interesting thing has happened. There is no one running for a seat on the Bay Path School Committee and some people have asked if they can write my name in for the seat. All that is needed is 6 votes to win but more would be nice.

So if you live in Southbridge please consider writing me in for the Bay Path School Committee, not the town school committee. You need to write in my name:

Peter M Preble

And color in the oval after my name or the vote will not count. The only reason I am doing this is because there is no one running and if a special election is needed it could cost the Town about $10,000. So please write me in.Check Spelling


  1. I would like to wish Fr. Peter Preble the best of luck in his bid to be elected to the Bay Path School Committee. Fr. Peter's unique learnedness, objectivity, and sincerity — characteristics I noticed he possesses by reading his website — will make him an invaluable member of that School Committee.

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