Antiochian Convention

At present delegates from the Antiochian Archdiocese are gathered in convention. In the Orthodox Church this is an annual event for many of us and is the Legislative arm of the church. There have been several problems in the church over the last year and they seem to be coming to a head at the convention.

One of the delegates is blogging the entire experience here. I am not sure if all of the facts are true but if they are it is completely sick and disgusting and for the sake of Holy Orthodoxy I hope it all comes to an end soon.

Pray for the delegates and all involved.


  1. I hope and pray that the Antiochian Convention ends the bitter dispute between those favoring the title of bishop and those favoring the title of auxiliary for the American Antiochian bishops. This dispute began some six months ago when Metropolitan Philip of the Antiochian Orthodox Archdiocese of North America changed the title of these bishops to auxiliary. There has been much bickering between both sides of this dispute, which has done much damage to the American Antiochian Church, since that time.

    The Antiochian Convention needs to resolve this dispute — once and for all — and move on to enhancing the Church of Christ.

  2. Did anyone see the AFR #'s 250,000 downloads per month and 45 podcasts. That is 6,000+ downloads per podcast. With 100,000 people between the Antiochians and OCA that means everybody is downloading at least 2 and a half podcasts per month…

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