Community Meal

Last night our parish hosted it’s monthly Community Meal. We started this outreach ministry about 8 months ago and we provide a meal to the Community free of charge. The idea is to reach out to those who might go hungry or might be alone in our midst. We also have people who come and just celebrate being Community.

The meal is prepared and served by members of the Parish and we have a great time working on these meals. Last night we served a traditional Thanksgiving Dinner with all the fixins! What a long and exhausting day but we served 80 meals in a matter of a few hours and had some wonderful fellowship with folks in the Community.

Thanks to Laura and John, Vic and Linda, Paul and Carol, Nicky and Sue, Sandra, and Spiro and of course all of those who came.

1 Comment

  1. Ever month we do this meal we hope we will get enough people to use all our food.then by the end of the evening where scrapping.Last night we knew we were going to have a crowd and the last 10 meals required John to run out and buy more potatoes and vegtables.Sue,who was helping serve,said "were down to multiplying the fish and the bread".once again we made it through and even gave one family what we had left of the turkey and a bag of food to take home,plus the workers got to pick at what was left.what Sue called "seagulling". linda

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