We have begun to put some information together to include a website (look for that soon). We have created a foundation document with the vision and mission of the monastery. Here is what we have come up with thus far:
To establish an authentic Pan-Orthodox Monastic Community (Eastern & Western Rite) in the heart of Central Massachusetts dedicated to a balanced life of prayer, worship, work and service in support of the broader Orthodox Church’s mission to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the un-changed and timeless Orthodox Christian Faith to America in the same spirit and missionary zeal as St. Columba of Iona.
St. Columba of Iona Monastery exists to make visible the Kingdom of God to the world; is dedicated to a life of prayer, worship, work and service of others; committed to support local Orthodox Parishes in their evangelistic and missionary outreach to the broader community; is set apart as a place of prayer, contemplation, spiritual direction, formation and renewal; a holy place firmly rooted in the sacramental life of the Church.
This is just the start of the process so stay tuned for more.
If you would like to know how you can be involved in support or to test your monastic vocation leave me some feedback or email me from the link on the side of the page.
I think that is a wonderful idea! I wish you all the best; you are certainly in my prayers. I will be watching for a website or some other means through which I may make a modest donation.