Keep Your Eye on the Prize

By George E. Matsoukas, Executive Director of Orthodox Christian Laity

To all constant bloggers, ecclesiastical colonialists, ecclesiastical bureaucrats, enablers of foreign domination — i.e. journalists, lobbyists, and other special interest groups dedicated to keeping the church in disunity, disorder and dependent — I say: KEEP YOUR EYE ON THE PRIZE that Christ’s Orthodox Christian Church would be free to become the Church in the Americas.
The real heroes bringing integrity to the Chambesy process and meaning to the Episcopal Assembly are Archbishop Demetrios and His Beatitude Jonah. Archbishop Demetrios is a man of prayer, who personifies the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit. He is wise and worthy to convene the Assembly of Bishops.

So too is His Beatitude Jonah, who was born and nurtured in America and not a prisoner of Old World History and the Roman Empire, and free of foreign domination. He is an example of the servant Bishop and through humility brought the bishops of the OCA to the discussion as canonical bishops.

Archbishop Demetrios and His Beatitude Jonah, by their example of love by giving something up for the greater good, have made the assembly representative of the Bishops of America so that the first steps can be taken to develop the blueprint for a unified multicultural Orthodox Church in the Americas.

We must remember whatever is decided must be accepted by the People of God who so far are not part of the process which is just beginning. Renewal of the Church is the work of all the People of God especially in our pluralistic world that is free of kings and emperors.

So for all of this to come together we must pray together that the Holy Spirit fills the meeting rooms of the bishops with the Light so that the integrity of the Chambesy process is revealed to all of the People of God. If there is no integrity in the process of developing the blueprint the consequences will be far reaching and far lasting.

George E. Matsoukas

h/t AOI Blog

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