Food Inc

Many readers will recall that this year I have planted a garden. If you are one of my followers on Facebook then you will be able to see the progress of said garden. I have not harvested anything yet but soon, I hope a bumper crop will be produced. Hope springs eternal they say.

Yesterday, Fr. Greg and I went off on another one of our adventures and drove over to Hardwick, Massachusetts to the Hardwick Coop. Kind of like a feed store if you are familiar with that concept. But it was a large hardware, nursery, pet food, all types of stuff place that was kind of cool. You can join the coop and receive discounts and dividends at the end of the year or you can just shop for good stuff.

On the way back to the Village we stopped by to see Fr. Ken. He has an interesting project underway with some of his parishioners. I may have written about it in the past but the short story is they are growing their own food. Not just veggies by the way, but the presently have 3 cows, Black Angus, nice looking things, and chickens. They had pigs, but they have gone off to the butcher, and meat birds that have all been taken care of if you get my meaning. They are attempting to unplug from the system. A half cow will feed a family of 4 for a year! The best part is you know what they are eating and where they have been.

During the trip Fr. Greg mentioned the movie Food Inc. I had never seen it before so I fired up the Netflix last night and watched it. WOW! My life has changed forever. I never really thought of where the food comes from. The interesting fact from the movie is that 75 gallons of diesel fuel is used to bring one cow to market. From birth to it’s arrival at the butcher 75 gallons per cow is being used. I should pause here to say this is on the large agro farms not the small operations like Fr. Ken has. I would suggest watching the movie.

Fr. Greg said yesterday that we receive the body and blood of Christ into our bodies each week (well we should anyway) why would we wish to put anything not as pure into our system. I am in way a Vegetarian nor am I advocating that. What I am advocating is buying local and supporting local farms. Is it more expensive, yes, is it better YES! Remember a generation ago things in the supermarket were only available if they were in season. Only buy fruits and veg that are in season. Plant a small garden, or a larger one if you have space. Use containers. You would be amazed what you can grow in containers. Shop at farmers markets. You support the small farmer but also buy things that are local. Ask your butcher where the food comes from and how it is raised. If they cannot answer move on and find one who can. Will it cost more, yes, is it healthier, yes.

I will leave you with this thought. The average meal will travel 1500 miles to your plate. That is too far. Think about it.


  1. You be careful: you'll be a hippie before you know it. Your monks… could be food providers for your parish. I'm reminded of a couple of saints known for Prosphora baking…

    Remember to look into A) canning or freezing foods (canning is more energy efficient); and B) trading with other gardeners for better diversity in produce. Regarding storage: growing seasonal food is ok. But eating needn't be seasonal. DOn't just give away bushels of tomatoes (or zucchini or okra, etc) just because you can't eat it fresh. That's supposed to be food for the winter when you needn't spend money at the local grocery to buy food from Brazil.

  2. Like you, Food, Inc. has made an impression on me that will change me forever. (

    It's Saturday, and I just returned home from our local Farmer's Market. I bought some hamburger meat, a steak, and a whole chicken – all pasture raised and grass fed — the way they were meant to live — just being cows and chickens.

    I also bought some yummy tomatoes and peaches which are in season.

    I love getting to know the farmers and really knowing where my food is coming from. I, apart from force or starvation, will never go back to industrialized foods.

    Thanks for your post and for showing what some churches are doing. I love it!

  3. Food Inc. really hit us, too. Sounds like you are almost a crunchy con. FWIW, we joined a CSA in Uptown (Sweetwilliam Farm) last year. We love shopping local (although our local dairy uses corn and hormones, so we get our organic milk from regional suppliers).

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