Where Have I Been?

Sorry for the lack of blogging this past week.  I have been in a class all week and this is the first day I did not have class.  It has been a few years since I was in any sort of class (I am usually the teacher!) so it was a little difficult getting back into the swing of things.

If you are a longtime reader of this blog you know I am the chaplain for the Dudley Fire Department here in Massachusetts.  I decided it was time for me to start learning a little more about the job of firefighting so I am taking some classes.  The class this week was phase 1 of the certification process to become a Wildland Fire Fighter.  What does all that mean?  I get to help put out Brush or Forrest Fires.  This is very hot and dirty work but someone has to do it! (The picture is a typical Wildland Fire)

The class was GREAT and I learned many new things and look forward to phase 2 and 3, that will happen in the Spring.  We have to do a practical exercise, put out a fire, and then take what is called the “Pack” test.  We will have to walk 3 miles, with a 45lb pack on our backs, in under 45 mins.  So I am starting to train now!

Will I ever fight a brush fire?  Well I already have, and as I found out this week I was doing it wrong!  I plan to take more classes to work on the Command side of things.  I am getting a little long in the tooth to be traipsing around the woods with a water can on my back!  So we will see where we go from here.

So that is where I have been all week.

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