Tornado on the Ground

Tornado Damage in Southbridge, Massachusetts
Just a few quick words on the Tornado that came through our town yesterday.  We here in Massachusetts are used to all sorts of crazy weather but we are not used to Tornados, we never get them, well I should not say that but they are rare here.  The utter destruction is beyond belief, thankfully only 4 people were killed.

It is hard to put into words how I feel and I was just a person who responded but I know these folks and it hurts to see them hurt.  Southbridge came out of it okay in comparison to Brimfield, Monson, and Springfield those folks will need your prayers.  I amazing thing is today is a most beautiful day!

Help is coming from around the State and I witnessed some brave actions yesterday.  Thank you to all who helped in anyway.

1 Comment

  1. always respect nature it can be violent one minute and beautiful the next.
    last ef4 in mass. the 1980's brfore that the 1950's

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