Busy Days

Well yesterday was the first day of the 30 (40) days of blogging that I did not blog.  Last night I kept saying. “I need to Blog” but alas it did not happen.

The last few days have been a whirl wind of activity and today promises to be just as busy.

Thursday was the twice a month Community Meal that we serve here in Parish Hall.  This is an amazing ministry and I continue to be amazed by what we are able to do.  We served 70 people here and made many news friends.  So the day started with a trip to the store for supplies and then a meeting with representative from the Worcester County Food bank, then cooking for all those folks and the meal itself.  The day ended with a meeting of what I am now calling the steering committee and plan for the future of the meal.  We will be adding a third week starting in January.

I met with the Food Bank folks so we can partner with them to be able to provide more for less.  Food Banks are amazing places and if it was not for them we really would not be able to do what we do.  Well, I should not say that because we have been doing it without them for two years, but this relationship will enable us to do more.  The best part was I found out then contract with local farmers to provide seasonal produce to meals such as ours, so starting in January we will be providing fresh LOCAL produce at our meals.  I am very excited about this!

Yesterday was another long day.  As clergy we are asked to do many things ministry related.  I happen to serve on two boards.  One at the Holy Trinity Nursing and Rehabilitation Center in Worcester and the I also serve of the Board of Orthodox Christian Fellowship, the Orthodox Campus Ministry program.  The twice a year board meeting of OCF was held this past week at the Seminary in Brookline.  I was not able to attend on Thursday due to the meal, but I drove out early Friday morning for the second day of meetings.  I have to say that OCF is a wonderful organization.  We have a new Executive Director and she is doing an amazing job.  Campus Ministry is extremely important and I am very happy to be part of it.

After the board meeting I met with the 4 seminarians I have the privilege to supervise in their Nursing Home Field Education program.  This really has been a blessing this semester to be able to give back and help with guys preparing for ordination.  This was our last session for the semester and I am looking forward to starting up again next year.

Tonight we have the Mission Choir from St. Tikhon Seminary in South Caana, PA coming to sing at Great Vespers and then sing a concert for us.  I have been looking forward to this for weeks, but what has to be done to get ready is going to be another full day of activity.

So sorry for no essay yesterday and I am going to try to get back on track! 

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