On the occasion of the feast of the Birth of the Mother of God (8 September 2013), His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel addresses the hierarchs, priests, monks, nuns and faithful of the Romanian Patriarchate the following appeal to prayer for peace:

Because peace is more and more threatened at present, we address an appeal to prayer for peace on Sunday, 8 September 2013, at the Feast of the Birth of the Mother of God, the protector of those in distress and need, “the joy and reconciliation of the world”.
In this sense, we urge all the hierarchs, priests, monks, nuns and faithful of the Romanian Patriarchate to increase their prayers for peace.
All people ought to pray and work for peace, according to the urge of Jesus Christ, our Saviour, theKing of Peace, Who says: “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God”(Matthew 5:9).
We should use this time of the Feast of the Mother of God to increase the prayer for peace all over the world, especially for peace in Syria, Egypt and other regions of the Middle East, where many Christians are victims of oppression and violence. Let us pray so that peace should be the light of life for all people, irrespective of their religion or culture.
Therefore, at the Divine Liturgy, after reading the Holy Gospel, to the end of the threefold litany, “the prayers for increasing the love and uprooting of hate and all evil” will be read from theLiturgical Book.
Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church
O Lord our God, look down from on high in Your goodness, upon the hearts of Your servants (N), that are lacking in love and unity, and encompassed with the thorns of hatred and other sins. May the Grace of the All-Holy Spirit, descending upon them, bedew them richly, that they may bring forth good fruit, and out of love for You, may they increase in good deeds and live in love and unity; we earnestly pray, as a Giver of what is good and our God, hear us quickly, and in your love for mankind, have mercy on them.
O Lord our God, grant to Your servants (N) to have unfeigned love for their neighbor; calm them with the grace of Your All-Holy Spirit, and enkindle their souls and hearts with love for You and for one another; we beseech you, as One who is merciful, hear us quickly and have mercy on them.