Gaudete Sunday

Well, we have arrived at the mid-point in our Advent celebration.  The third Sunday of Advent is Gaudete Sunday, and the theme for this particular Sunday is rejoice.  The mood of the Scripture readings changes from a somber, penitential one to one of rejoicing in the coming of Christ into the world.

Gaudete comes from the Latin word for Rejoice and is the first word of the Introit for this Sunday and comes from Philippians 4:4 “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice.”  This passage is a reminder to us that we, as Christians, need to continually rejoice for what God has done and continued to do in our lives.

This Sunday is also referred to as “Rose Sunday” for it is on this Sunday that we light the rose colored candle in our Advent Wreath. This candle is another symbol that breaks the starkness of the penitential season as each of the previous weeks we have lite the purple colored candles.  The bright color is to remind us again, of this call for all Christians to rejoice always.

As we continue our Advent journey, let us always remember this call for us to rejoice always.

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