The Cold Moon: Time for Reflection, Endings, and Celebrations

As I write this, most of the country is in the cold grips of a winter storm. It is precisely these events that give the Cold Moon her name. The Farmer’s Almanac says that this moon is the Cold Moon because we have just entered winter. Native Americans refer to the moon by this name because of the changes in the natural world, and the midpoint of winter, which we entered with the solstice a few days ago, is the darkest part of the season.

Some may find it odd and even a bit heretical for a Christian minister to be writing about the spirituality of the Moon, but I see nothing wrong with taking part in the energy of creation. I believe that God created all around us and that the essence of God is in all of creation. There is much we can learn about bringing balance to our lives from the natural world, the natural ebb and flow of the seasons, the dying and rising again, and the long rest periods. As much as we might try and deny it, we are part of the natural world and creation, and our bodies respond to the energy in all creation. If we only allow our minds to open, we will see this reality and begin to understand how we are all connected.

This season is also a time for reflection and endings; it is the last moon of the year which will shortly come to a close. Noura Bourni writes, “we’re asked to sit in silence and stillness, ideally contemplating the last 12 months of our lives and allow gratitude to inform our thought process.” Since we are stuck inside anyway, it is a good time for this reflection.

But we are not just to reflect; this is also a time of endings. Shed anything that might be distracting or damaging to your soul and spirit. Write these things down on paper, toss them in the fire, and free yourself from them. There is something healing about putting your pen to paper this way, and tossing that paper into the fire is an act of freedom from those distractions.

In your time of reflection, review what is no longer working for you and resolve to make changes in your life that do not include those things. Then, like distractions, write those down on paper and throw those into the fire. Then, as the fire consumes the unwanted in our lives, bask in the glow and warmth of that same fire that will make way for new life to emerge in you.

This time of the year is also ideal for repairing relationships. Reach out to those we have become estranged from and offer or ask for forgiveness. Forgiveness is essential for our spiritual well-being. Remember that forgiveness is for us, and our soul is critical. The act of forgiveness, even if it is not accepted or reciprocated, frees our soul from the burden it has been carrying and returns the power to us. Forgiveness is a powerful tool in our spiritual life. Ending the year with repaired relationships allows us to begin the new year with a clean slate.

The Cold and last moon of the year is also a time of celebration. We recently began the celebration of Yule; Christmas will soon be upon us, and Hanukkah started a few nights ago. These seasons celebrate light, and now the days will begin to get longer as we welcome the sun’s rebirth.

During this time of light, the light of the season, and the light of the Cold Moon, ask more questions, share your feelings, and be present in the current moment. Doing so will help promote warmth, camaraderie, and optimism during this otherwise cold and harsh period of the year.

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