
Although is is Tuesday I am finally getting around to posting the weekend activities. What a weekend it was. Saturday night I attended a wonderful concert at a Synagogue in Hingham, Massachusetts. At the invitation of my Sister-in-law. Five cantors from various places came together for this concert. The first half was all religious music and the second half was filled with show tunes. Great singing and the people were very warm and welcoming. We could learn much from them and from their attitude. At the beginning of the concert they lite the candle for the second day of Hanukkah. Great little ceremony and man can the people sing.
Sunday was the usual except we had 64 people in church, a new record. A memorial service for a parishioner who fell asleep in the Lord 40 days ago, then off to bless the food for the family Christmas party, quick trip to the cemetery to bless the grave, then back to the hall to the Christmas party and the visit of Santa. What can I say.
All would have been fine except at 5:15am the fire alarm pager went off for a 3 alarm fire that I responded too. I got back to the church at 8am to get ready for Liturgy. I was exhausted by days end, but the final episode of Survivor was one so I got 40 winks and then watch the show. Good ending to a great weekend.
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