Busy Days

Things have been busy here in the Village the last few days. On Monday I rolled on down to my Alma mater, Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology. I don’t get back to campus as much as I would like but I took the opportunity to stop by. I was able to see my predecessor and good friend Fr. Eugen Pentiuc. He is writing a response to that Jesus Tomb nonsense that was on the Discovery Channel this past Sunday. Sister Mary Martha has a humorous review of the presentation on her blog as well. As soon as I know more about Fr. Eugen’s paper I will post it here. Fr. is the Old Testament and Linguistics professor at the seminary. I also had occasion to swing by the Convent of the Holy Nativity to pick up some candles and also the Holy Transfiguration Monastery to pick up some incense. I bought a sample of three different kinds of incense and I will post a review after I use them. One of the monks gave me a little tip when using the incense. Don’t put the grains right on top of the charcoal place them along the side. He said they will burn cleaner on the side because the heat is not so extreme. I will try that and let you know how it goes.
Yesterday was supposed to be a quiet day, but at 8:30am my pager went off for a three alarm fire at an apartment building. Now keep in mind that it was only 9 degrees at that time here yesterday and that makes fighting a fire a very difficult situation. Thankfully no one was hurt and only one family was displaced. The family lost everything and the woman was so upset that she lost all of her stuff. It made me think about what I would hate to loose if there was a fire. (Preaching Moment) This is a good time for us to think about out stuff and what we have accumulated and have we made it more important to us than it should be. Now something are important, like clothing, but do we really need all the clothes that we have? (End of Preaching Moment).
So I hope that today is a bit slower. Presanctified Liturgy tonight and then some rest. I will continue to post the prayers from the vespers service and will catch everyone up.
Blessed Lent!
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