Off to Virginia

I am all packed and waiting for my ride to arrive. As I mentioned in a previous post, I am off to Virginia Tech to meet with the Orthodox Christian Fellowship and try and help them begin the healing process. Although I have dine this kind of work before, and it seems to be my specialty, this will be the hardest one yet. The students return to school today after a few days off and what they really need is to just get back. As cold as that seems that is the best medicine. That is not to say that they should forget, never, but the best way to honor those slain is to continue classes and graduation and for them to be the best citizens that they can be.
I plan to blog while I am on this journey, more to be able to put words to my thoughts than anything else. I face a 10 hour drive so this maybe my last post today. Perhaps I will post again tonight before bed.
Keep me and my team in your prayers please that we can be used as God’s instrument. Fr. Mychal Judge late chaplain of the FDNY used this prayer often and I quote it here. This will be my prayer this week.

Lord, take me where you want me to go;
Let me meet who you want me to meet;
Tell me what you want me to say
And keep me out of your way.


  1. God bless your work with the survivors. Here’s a prayer posted last week on the Mychal Judge website: *

    Mercy of God deliver us.
    Love of Christ heal us.
    Spirit of God strengthen us.

    Lord, have mercy on all those hurt by the horrific massacre at Virginia Tech — the victims, the injured, the traumatized, the grieving, the rescuers, and the healers.

    Prince of Peace, grant through your holy Cross where you suffer with all humanity, that we may rise up to new life with you, to be instruments of your Peace.

    Through Christ our Lord, and the intercession of Fr. Mychal Judge, friend of the injured, the grieving, and rescuers. Amen.


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