Scottish Bishops Urge a Value Vote

GLASGOW, Scotland, APRIL 15, 2007 ( The Catholic bishops of Scotland are urging their parishioners to vote against legislation and regulations at odds with the insights and values of the Christian faith.
In a strongly worded letter to be read at all Masses in Scotland’s 500 Catholic parishes, the bishops said: “We invite you to look beyond the superficially attractive and fashionable to recognize those policies and values which are most in tune with the dignity of the human person and with the common good of our society.”
The bishops’ deepest concerns are directed at legislation permitting “abortion, embryo experimentation, easy divorce and civil partnerships.” They also fear a future campaign to legalize euthanasia.
Beyond this, the bishops’ letter explained: “We find ourselves having to counter criticism of the very existence of Catholic schools, in large part prompted by an agenda which aims to remove religion from the public sphere.”
“These dubious innovations are detrimental not just to the good of the Catholic community but to the common good of humanity as a whole,” the bishops said. “They deserve to be challenged at the ballot box.”
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