Contractor Follow-up Part 3

Yesterday my phone rang and it was a frantic call from the accounts payable people at the roofing company that lied to us. I was informed that the police had been by to question them on why they had not paid the church the money they owed us. She told me that it was not Christian for a church to get the police involved in this matter. Taken aback for a moment, I regrouped and reminded her that stealing was against the top 10 and if anyone was not acting in a Christian manner it was her company. I asked her if the church should allow people to take advantage of them or should we be the ones that point out one someone goes astray and try to bring them back. In the end she told me, for the third time if your keeping count, that a check would be cut and sent to us. I told her whatever and that it was a police matter now and that I was going to have nothing more to do with it. Stay tuned for more…
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