Reality TV

I guess you could say I am a TV junky. Sometimes the box is on and I am not even watching it and other times I do watch. There are many good programs on TV as well as trash so we have to pick and choose. There are some shows that I watch, like Law & Order (Only the original) Jericho, Dirty Jobs, Deadliest Catch, etc. However I am a fan of reality TV. It all started years a go with Survivor and has blossomed into many, many other shows. One of my favorites, other than Survivor is the Amazing Race. What a great program and you get to see the world.
However, some of my real favorites are the reality shows that have to do with food. For the past few seasons I have been watching The Next Food Network Star, Hell’s Kitchen, and Top Chef. I love to cook and love to watch cooking shows so why not combine them into a great night of TV. As one can imagine from the name, the Next Food Network Star is just that. If you win you get a show on the Food Network. By the way who ever had the idea for a 24/7 TV channel about food was a genius. Hell’s Kitchen features Gordon Ramsay and his ability to get you to do just about anything by screaming at you. If you win his show you get a restaurant in Vegas. Just like that. You survive his yelling and you get your own joint! Kinda cool I think. Sort of like Survivor with out the sand. Top Chef is a show on Bravo and it is just that. It is Tops in everything from the food they use to the quality of the competitions. If you win you get $100,000.00 and a feature in Food and Wine Magazine.

So tune in if you have a chance. Not much on during the summer anyway.

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