Weekend Recap

Well here it is Tuesday and I am doing a weekend recap. I guess I need to be more on the ball. So anyway, on Friday I went to visit my parents and stayed overnight there with them. I had the opportunity to go and see my nephew play baseball. Now keep in mind he is only 8 so it was not the Red Sox but not bad. It was the last game of the season so they all got trophies at the end. Then back to my brothers house for some pizza.
On Saturday we attended a benefit for a scholarship named for a neighbor who died a few years ago. They do a fishing derby and then a cook out at one of the local Yacht Clubs. Nice time and I got to see many people that I have not seen in many years. We all look older than the last time I saw them. Oh well that happens I guess.
Sunday was a good day. The power went out shortly after I woke up and I had to do all my morning routine without power. Hard to surf the net and read the blogs without power. I need to get a generator. But the power came back on just before Church started so all was not lost. I went out to my camp after church for a few hours to get some work done. Over the winter I had a leak in the roof so the ceiling came down. What a mess that was. Well new walls and ceiling and today I install a new rug and then I can stay there again. Nice little retreat in the woods where one can read and write. I will have a/c this year as well so I look forward to many days this summer hanging out.
Yesterday I spent the day finishing things out at the camp and now it just needs a good cleaning and that is my task for today. Last night was the monthly Parish Council meeting and plans are all set for the Annual Church Picnic to be held on July 15th. We also planned the first ever Church Golf Tournament for July 28th (I Think) this should be fun.
Well that’s all for now. I need to get a podcast done soon, maybe tomorrow I can record it and post it but since it is a holiday I might just relax. Who knows?
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