
A good friend from California e-mailed me yesterday to remind me that I had not posted for six days and was I okay or away or something. Well here I am still here and toiling in the fields. This has been a busy week with parish meetings and the like. With the fall of the year fast approaching the meeting season begins again. Monday night we had a very productive parish council meeting and last night the religious education committee met and we planned the first half of the year. Good to have that done.
Sunday we have a baptism. That will be the first one in maybe a year and a half. I need to brush up on the rubrics of this one so I don’t drown the kid. That would not be good. We had planned it for some months ago but the God Mother was sick and we wanted to wait until she got better. Praise the Lord she did.
Next week I have a wedding. Now this is no small miracle here. I have only done one before and that was right after I came here. If you are familiar at all with the Orthodox Wedding service you know how involved it is. Crowns, movements, singing, incense, and all that stuff. I need to read up on that as well.
Yesterday I had the guys from the fire house bring the big ladder truck to try and remove the cross on the front of the church. It has been up there for years and needs some restoration work done. Well up they went, we did not have the right tools, and then… the alarm sounded and they had to go. So we will try again. I had my camera but did not have time to take any snaps. Next time for sure.
My Cantor has been away and we have had some subs in. They did a good job, but it will be nice to have him back and get back to a routine. He was visiting family in Romania so I await stories of his trip home. Maybe he brought me something nice. A new set of vestments perhaps?
So today I am blessing a new house. Before that lunch with an old friend and tonight a meeting at the Fire House.
I better get started…

1 Comment

  1. Fr. Peter, you have been incredibly busy! Whew! I’m tired just reading about it all.

    Of course you know, God will guide you through the wedding. And if you make a mistake…who will know? Surely not the bride and groom!

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