Back in the Office

Well I am back from my little mini vacation and back in the office. I love the time away but coming back and facing all of the mail, phone messages, and laundry really get me down. However this was a great weekend and one that I will not soon forget. Okay I was going to post some pictures but I only took about four so I will look at them and see if they are worthy of being posted.
The New Hampshire Highland Games is the biggest Highland festival in all of New England. Held each Year at Loon Mountain it attracts from 10,000+ people over three days. There is something for everyone. This is a great time to celebrate our Scottish Heritage, see old friends and meet some new ones as well. The weather cooperated this year so it really was great.
One of the highlights was to hear about something that is happening in Scotland in 2009 called Gathering 2009. The Scottish Executive is hoping to have a celebration of Scottish Clans and Societies in Edinburgh July 25th and 26th 2009. There was a buz of excitement all over Clan Village during the weekend as Lord Sempill came around to each tent and explained the program for the weekend. It sounds great! His Lordship is a Member of The Standing Council of Scottish Chiefs. One of the things they are hoping to accomplish in all of this is to give the people of Scotland a shot in the arm about their Scottish Heritage. I am happy to help in any way I can to get more people to wear Kilts. I will be following up with more news on this event as it draws closer.
So now it is back to work here in the village. We have a roofer coming to day to try and fix our roof on the Church, once again! Never put a dome on your church they always leak! We are also supposed to have a contractor come by and work on a water problem we have been having in the parking lot and parish hall. So things are busy here. It is also unseasonably warm! I thought all of this hotness (is that a word) was gone but I guess it is back. Anyway off to open the door and start the day.

1 Comment

  1. Sounds like you need a secretary Father Peter.

    Can’t stand having water problems. The Domes on our temple leak too. They need restoration work…a pricey job.

    Someone needs to come up with a better sealant to prevent the leakage.

    May God provide.

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