Weekend Recap

Well the wedding went off without a hitch on Sunday. It was a cooler day than the previous Sunday and I was glad for the bride and groom. Nice couple and I wish them well in their new life together. After the wedding I was invited to a parishioners house for a little end of the summer cook out. It nice to be able to go and socialize with the parishioners. You see them on such a different level and they sometimes are more relaxed.

Yesterday was labor day here in the US and I chose not to do any labor. That is not really true as laundry needed to be done as well as cleaning out the spare room in the rectory. It is funny how fast a room can get trashed if you keep the door closed. I think there are gremlins that go in there and mess the place up. I guess I have started my fall cleaning a little early.

Next Sunday I hope to get back on track with the recorded homilies and then podcasting. I guess that means I need to do some better preparation. Fr. Greg and I are supposed to start again as well. Perhaps we can get on a better schedule then we have been on. Many events coming up here in the parish and I will write about them as time gets closer.

1 Comment

  1. Wish I could say the same about no labor… Worked a reverse-24 while my wife painted our kitchen. Came out really nice – red with white trim. I did help prime during the day Sunday before I went to work, however, so she was not totally on her own.. 🙂 We put it back together this morning, and it’s amazing how good something like a room can look when it has been refurbished.

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