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About a year ago I applied for doctoral study at Babes-Bolyai University in Cluj, Romania. They have a very unique program. The doctoral study is done by research. You select a mentor from the faculty that has an interest in the area in which you wish to concentrate, you have to sit for two exams over a two year period and then a defense of your dissertation. This makes this kind of education very accessible to someone who has to work but want to complete an advanced degree. So I selected a mentor, one who also mentors in English, and an area of concentration, Church History. Specifically I will concentrate on American Church History and the Orthodox Churches position in that history. This has been an area of some interest since my seminary days.
I find this whole thing very interesting. I hated school when I was in High School, and if you got a look at my transcripts you would see how that is true. Now I am a doctoral student. It is funny how things work out. I was also a school teacher before going to seminary and have taught college courses and this Spring will teach again at Nichols College. Very strange how God uses us. I am sure I will blog more on this topic as I get into my research. Anyone have any ideas of what I could research?


  1. That is very cool, my friend. Having just experienced “learning by immersion”, I can honestly say that it was a tough row to hoe. That said, the experience was worth the cost and the pain. I hope (and expect 🙂 that your experience will be similar.

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