Podcast News

Well some news from the Podcast front. The Shepherd of the Souls podcast as well as the Facing East Podcast have been picked up by the Orthodox Christian Network to be aired on their stations the Ark and the Rudder. Not sure when the broadcast will start and the shows will still be available on iTunes and the blogs but this is exciting. You can find both internet radio stations here. In a related story one of my homilies has been selected to be included in the”theologically thinking” segment on both stations as well. You can hear it starting the week of the 26th of October. I have begun two groups on Facebook for the shows so you can join and keep in touch with all that is going on.
There are not many Orthodox Podcasters out there and we need to change that. Podcasting is easy to do and is not a large investment in equipment. We need to claim the internet for good and begin to use this medium for evangelization. Let us make the effort to Blog more and perhaps start one or two more podcasts.


  1. Y’all are total rockstars. Take it from a former professional.

    Out of curiosity, what sort of equipment do y’all use for recording and converting to mp3?

  2. Right now we use a program called propaganda and a simple microphone. But we need to update the mics. You can find all the gear on ebay. The program was only $50.

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