Election Day

One year from today Americans will head off to the polls to elect a new president and a new congress and part of the United States Senate. Never has an election been more important than this one. I believe that whoever gets elected will set the course America will follow for the next few decades or longer. We need to study the candidates and know what they say and what they mean. Do not just read what others say about them read their words for yourself. All of the candidates have a presence on the Internet. Take a few moments each day and read up and study. We have an obligation as Christians to vote and to pray for those who lead us. I hope we take this mission serious and pay attention.

Today is election day in many cities and towns in Massachusetts. If today is the big day in your locale take a minute or two to go and vote. Most polls will be open until 8pm so there is plenty of time. We all like to criticise the government but we also have the responsibility to guide it and let our voice be heard. People in other parts of the world would love to be able to vote, look at Pakistan, we have the right to vote, but less than 30% of us will actually take the two minutes to cast our vote. Let your voice be heard and vote today your country needs you and depends on you!

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