Sunday Round Up

Yesterday was a very busy day here in the Village. We celebrated out feast day, actually the day is on Thursday but we always celebrate the Sunday closest to the day itself, although this year we celebrated before. Very confusing try to stay with me on this one.
So we were graced by a visit from His Eminence Archbishop Nicolae of the Romanian Archdiocese. He flew in on Saturday and presided at Vespers. Sunday morning was the usual round of Liturgical celebrations ans then a banquet in the parish hall. The other Orthodox Parish in Southbridge, St. Nicholas Albanian Orthodox Church closed down for the day and came to worship with us. Fr. John served with us at the altar. It is always a pleasure to serve with him. The banquet was very pleasant and many people we do not get to see came by to visit. We finished in time to watch the Pats play the Colts so the day finished on a high note.
Today Fr. Greg and I will be interviewing His Eminence for our Podcast Facing East. The subject of the interview will be the recent election of the new Romanian Patriarch. I will post when that one is ready. Tonight he meets with the parish council and he is on his way back to Chicago on Tuesday morning. It has been nice to have him here.
On a non related note. Fr. Greg and I head to Boston on Thursday to interview Sean Cardinal O’Malley of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Boston on his recent pilgrimage to Rome, Istanbul, and St. Petersburgh with Metr. Methodious of Boston. Stay tuned for that interview as well.
So busy days ahead.
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