
It has been almost a week since my last post so I thought a little catch up was in order. Today, one of the coldest mornings so far this year, Fr. Greg and myself are rolling on down to Boston to interview His Eminence Metr. Methodious on his pilgrimage with Cardinal O’Malley. This will complete the interview segment of our show Facing East. It has been great to interview the three hierarchs. We have just completed our 10th show and so we will be burning them on CD for those who do not have ipods or other such things and also for people who do not have Internet access. We will also make a separate CD for the interviews.
With Thanksgiving looming I will be heading home tomorrow and returning to the Village on Friday afternoon sometime. I am looking forward to the brake and seeing family. So I wish you all a Blessed Thanksgiving and please remember those who will go without.
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