Weekend Round Up

This was a busy weekend here in the Village. On Saturday I had the honor of participating in the Baptism of Fr. Greg’s daughter Vaia. Let me tell you this child got Baptized. There were four priests, one of whom was the proud papa. It was indeed an honor to be asked to participate. I sent a text message to Fr. Greg before I left the office and asked him if he thought we should Podcast from the event. We are always looking for times and places to Podcast. Needless to say, there will not be a font side podcast coming in the future. Welcome to the new Christian Vaia.
Usual round of Liturgical Services on Sunday along with a memorial service for a man who passed away last year. He was a wonderful man and his family and friends were all in attendance for the memorial. As is tradition we had a light meal in the parish hall after the service and then off to the cemetery to bless the grave. We all stood around his grave and sang Memory Eternal. I always look around to see if others are in the cemetery. Usually there are one or two as it is a busy place. A few rows in front of us two women were visiting the grave of a loved one. We began the service and they stood and turned to face us. I can only imagine what they must have thought, but they stood and watched and maybe prayed as well.
After that a quick change into my kilt and off I was again to Quincy for a Scottish event. We honored the recipients of the 2007 Dr. Robert D. MacCurdy Memorial Scholarship. We hosted an afternoon of piping, drumming, and dancing. It is nice to see young people, the oldest was 15, involved in keeping the Celtic Arts alive and well in the area.
Back home and some much needed rest. Today, Monday, we have the second of our clergy bibles studies hosted by Fr. Greg and the Cathedral. Back here for a meeting tonight. Tomorrow I am off to New York to assist in the Vespers service for the United Nations. That should be a great experience. Perhaps I will podcast. Wednesday night I begin a new Bible study series on the book of Romans for the parish. Many people have said they will attend, we shall see. So no hanging around until Thursday at the earliest and then the weekend starts all over again!
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