Let it Snow!

So it is 7:30am on Sunday Morning and it has been snowing for sometime now. The Church lot has not been plowed and the police are saying it is getting slippery since it is changing over to sleet. I have pulled the plug and canceled church for the day. I just took this picture from the front door of the rectory looking up the hill toward the church. Stay warm, and stay home if you are in the Northeast. There is no need to go outside. Let the plows do there job and get the roads clean. Please don’t throw your snow in the street, shovel off the sidewalks in front of your house, and if you have fire hydrant near you, give the guys a break and shovel that out as well. I will have to admit I love this time of year. I don’t have to go anywhere so I love it even more. I am always concerned for people who have to be out in this mess, the plow drivers, police, EMT’s Fire it is very dangerous for them as well. I have the scanner on and they are busy so keep them in your prayers today. As the day continues and they get tired it will get worse. So sit back and enjoy a day of football. Maybe I can get the decorations on my tree! Blessed Sunday.

1 Comment

  1. Fr. Tim canceled our services as well. I told him I long for the day when the church was down the street and we could all walk there, never minding the weather.

    God bless and protect our community heroes.

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