Quick Note

Just a quick note as I ready myself for a Fire Chaplain meeting today. This is our quarterly meeting and training session and today’s topic will be very serious and somber. Line of Duty Death notification. This is training that I hope I will never have to use. So I am off in a half hour with another chaplain from the area for this meeting that will last most of the day.

Tomorrow the plan is to podcast with Fr. Greg and to try and get on some schedule again. We have been trying to keep to a set schedule but it becomes harder as each of us get busier with our respective parish duties and other such things.

Yesterday I was at the local radio station recording promos for the new radio ministry I mentioned in the previous post. Very weird recording in front of another person. Podcasting is one thing but doing radio spots is very different. But it is done. I still need to get the press release done and I will post that when it is released.

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