Weekly Round Up

So it would appear that I am finally getting over this cold that I have had for more than two weeks. I hate being sick for a day let alone two weeks or more is really a downer. My voice is coming back and maybe can get a podcast or two done today I know it has been sometime but with no voice it is kind of hard to record. Well not really hard to record but hard to listen to.

We had a death in the parish this past week. Vangel was 87 years old and one of the senior members of the parish. He died alone sometime between Thursday night and Sunday of last week. His neighbors had not seen him so they called the police who broke in and found him. I feel bad that he died alone. He always told me that he could not wait to see his wife again. So please pray for Vangel and may his memory be eternal. His funeral was supposed to be tomorrow (Saturday) but with all the snow we are supposed to get today things have been postponed until Monday.

Speaking of snow. Because of the snow tonight we have canceled parish movie night. We started this a few months back. Once a month we show a movie in the parish hall. I have a projector that can be hooked up to the laptop and show on the big screen. We usually get some food, pizza, and tonight since it is a fast free week, we were going to get grinders and have a real feast. Oh well, Mother Nature does not always cooperate.

If you saw the previous post about the new addition to the family I can report that his potty training is going very well. No accidents yesterday. He went in his crate at 11pm last night but had to go out about 12:30am. This was good since he let me know he needed to go out. So out we went, very cold, he took care of his business quick and we came back in. Back in his crate and he slept, along with me, until 7:00am. Man I needed that sleep after the night before. I guess he is on a schedule now but I am taking this one day at a time. Right now he is with me in the office and sleeping in front of the heater. He tends to sleep a lot right now. This is the time I can get things done.

So I think that will wrap this up. Keep the people of Kosovo in your prayers, I have a few posts to make on that topic as well.

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