This Week

We are getting closer to Holy Week and events are starting to pick up speed. Before we know it things will take on a life of their own. I usually tell the faithful on Palm Sunday that I will see them on the other side. This year we have an ambitious Liturgical Schedule to get through.

Great Lent ends and Holy Week begins with the Saturday of Lazarus. So from that point until Easter Morning I have 21 Liturgical events. Some of those involve changing the altar cloths and vestments for one service and back again for the next. I have a trip to the cleaners today with the white and gold vestments as well as the altar cloths and other such things. There seem to be a multitude of props, that’s not really a good word, needed for these events not to mention the various homilies.

But before that begins we have the last of the Presanctified Liturgies here on Wednesday and a bible study on Thursday to prepare for. Tonight is out monthly parish council meeting but I will not be attending as I have an early morning chaplain’s meeting at Harvard on Tuesday.

So busy days ahead. Please pray for me and for my cantor and assistant as we begin the holiest of weeks in the Liturgical year.

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