I’m Back

I am back from my conference and it was wonderful. My fellow chaplains gathered on Monday night to get things set up and then out for a little dinner and social time. On Tuesday we began with prayer and a little business and then our speak began her presentation. I have written about her before and her book is listed on the right side under books I am reading. I am almost finished with the book by the way so look for a review soon but I can say that if you work in the helping professions, or have lost a loved one you need to read this book.

So the day progressed with some time for rest and then we had our annual meeting and dinner. This is a time for us to review the activities of the Corps of Chaplains this past year and see how we can improve what we do. I was unaware that I was about to receive an award. Each year the Corps of Chaplains gives two chaplains the Mychal Judge Award. This award is given in memory of Fr. Mychal Judge of the FDNY who was killed at ground zero ministering to a person who had fallen. I was very surprised by this award and I join the ranks of BIG names. I mentioned to our speaker that I have a lot to live up to with this award. She reminded me that I do not need to be under a building to serve my people. My chief was there and he spoke about my work with the fire department and then it was my turn to speak. I am not sure if any of you have ever been honored by your colleagues in such a way but it is very difficult to speak after such and honor. I am not usually at a loss for words but I was this time. However I did come up with a few things to say. One thing I thought of on the ride home yesterday that I did not mention was that of all the titles I have, Father, Pastor, Doctor, Professor the one I am most honored to have is Chaplain. I am honored that the guys and girls of the Dudley Fire Department allow Me to minister to them and that I am their chaplain. Thanks Guys!

The citation reads as follows:

The Massachusetts Corps of Fire Chaplains
The Mychal Judge Award
Given each year to a fire department chaplain
whose selfless dedication and sacrifice promotes
the creed of the Corps of Fire Chaplains,
“Serving those who serve”
In grateful acknowledgement of the time, energy
and faithfulness given to the men and women of
the Fire Service, this award is
Presented to
The Rev. Peter Preble
Dudley Fire Department
So now it is back to the office and work. I need to catch up on some reading and get a podcast or two done to keep up with all of that, and Sunday is coming again so there needs to be a homily made ready.


  1. In one of my favorite holiday movies “It’s A Wonderful Life” James Stewart – (1946) The character is given a rare opportunity to see what life would have been like without him. Often, we just don’t know how many lives we’ve changed, or helped along the way. Or, how many people need you. The award is deserved. You Fr. are a giant among men and loved by many. As a mother of a firefighter I appreciate all your prayers, and the water that you personally give. I take comfort in knowing you are there. We all know “Its a wonderful life because of You.”

  2. congratulations fr. it is well deserved.thank goodness you are a humble person.Anne

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