Round Up

This is the third time I have attempted to try this post let us see how far we can get. Busy weekend has passed. On Saturday graduation at the college where I teach. It was great to see so many embark on the next phase of their lives. I remember my first graduation like it was yesterday and how nervous I was the next day.

Sunday was Mother’s day and my father’s 75th birthday so I went home to my parent’s house after Liturgy and spent a few days there relaxing and reading. Hence no personal posts during that time.

This morning the Fire Department ran their annual pre-prom drill. This has become an annual event and two cars are placed in the parking lot at the high school with some of the kids in them made up to look like an accident has taken place. Two of them are dead and the funeral home comes and picks them up. The fire department responds and cuts the victims out of the car. At the end some one explains what happens and what not to do on prom night. Very positive drill I think. I was looking around at the kids and they were all paying attention and no one was talking and that is a good sign with kids.

Tomorrow I have a podcasting session with Fr. Greg in the morning an then a visit by the iPadre in the afternoon. Fr. Jay and I have been trying to get together for some time and we seem to be able to do it tomorrow. So Fr. Jay is coming here to the village for a church tour and then off to get some food. Maybe we will podcast together, who knows.

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