Round Up

It has been so hot here the last few days that I have not felt like doing anything. The weekend was pretty calm and now the week looks the same.

Sunday after liturgy I rolled on back to the homestead for my nieces graduation party. She finished the 8th grade and now goes on to High School. That does not seem possible that she is old enough to attend high school. Left the party, went to a board meeting for the St. Andrew’s Society of Massachusetts, then back to the party for a few more hours. I don’t see my brothers all that often so it is nice to be able to spend some time with them.

Yesterday I came back to the rectory and had one more air conditioner to put in the window. Since the house was closed up for a day it took most of the day for the house to cool down, but it was still cooler then being outside. It is time like this that makes me think of people that have work outside. One of my parishioners works for a paving company. Imagine it is over 90 degrees and your working with hot tar! How about people that work on roofs! No thank you but thank you to those who do.

Today I am going to try and edit a podcast and perhaps record a new one. I have a parish council mailing to get done, a class to prepare for, and a community meeting at 5pm. Looking forward to that as it is being held at the new Irish Restaurant in town. I am also working a a few essays on church life so stay tuned.

1 Comment

  1. the next time people complain about how expensive it is to hire laborers they should remember days like this.anne

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