Google Reader

I am not what one thinks of when they think of a techno geek. I blog, I podcast, I email, I use the web, but that is about it. So I discovered google reader last week and I have struck gold! If you read blogs on a regular basis as I do then you need to use this thing. I had been using the blog reader on Internet Explorer but if you go to a different computer then your blogs are not there. Google allows you to travel and keep up with the reading it is a great thing. So go to and sign up it is free.


  1. Thanks for the head’s up Fr. Peter! I’ve been using bloglines but I think I shall switch to google reader. That way I have it all under one sign in site.

    By your prayers!

  2. I love the reader service! I use it quite regularly – and I use it to keep my blog roll up to date (and a couple of other blocks) on the side bar of my blog.

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